HACKSAW - tradução para árabe
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HACKSAW - tradução para árabe

Hack saw; Power hacksaw; Electric hacksaw; Hacksaws; Junior hacksaw; Panel hacksaw; Hacksaw blade
  • Typical full-size hacksaw frame, with 12" blade
  • A woman using a hacksaw for vocational training during the Second World War



منشار المعادن

منشار المعادن
اسْم : مِنْشَارُ مَعَادِن


¦ noun a saw with a narrow blade set in a frame, used for cutting metal.
¦ verb (past participle hacksawn or hacksawed) cut with a hacksaw.



A hacksaw is a fine-toothed saw, originally and mainly made for cutting metal. The equivalent saw for cutting wood is usually called a bow saw.

Most hacksaws are hand saws with a C-shaped walking frame that holds a blade under tension. Such hacksaws have a handle, usually a pistol grip, with pins for attaching a narrow disposable blade. The frames may also be adjustable to accommodate blades of different sizes. A screw or other mechanism is used to put the thin blade under tension.

On hacksaws, as with most frame saws, the blade can be mounted with the teeth facing toward or away from the handle, resulting in cutting action on either the push or pull stroke. In normal use, cutting vertically downwards with work held in a bench vise, hacksaw blades are set to be facing forwards.

Exemplos de pronúncia para HACKSAW
1. hacksaw, baling hooks,
Tucker and Dale vs. Evil (2010)
2. with a hacksaw.
Work-Life Stress Management _ Gadadhar Pandit _ Talks at Google
3. you need to go at it with a hacksaw.
Tubes - A Journey to the Center of the Internet _ Andrew Blum _ Talks at Google
4. work at this cable with a hacksaw, the amorphous blob
Tubes - A Journey to the Center of the Internet _ Andrew Blum _ Talks at Google
5. And when you see these guys going at this cable with a hacksaw,
Exemplos do corpo de texto para HACKSAW
1. It, too has an excavated cellar with stone bath and a 3ft hacksaw on the wall.
2. If that does not do the trick, his hastily improvised hacksaw will be pressed into action.
3. ROME –– In Rome, breaking the chains of love requires a hacksaw _ literally.
4. The basement contained a stone bath and had a 3ft hacksaw on the wall.
5. He also assisted the spacewalking pair in constructing a makeshift hacksaw.